Home Maintenance Series – JANUARY (Part 1)

Home maintenance chores can be overwhelming, it certainly feels like there is always something to do. And that’s true, there is! This series helps you tackle home maintenance tasks at the right time with ease throughout the year and share the latest tools and techniques. Our entire core team are also homeowners and used our experience to put this checklist together. It was a lot of fun collaborating and we want you to also enjoy the benefits of taking great care of your homes.

Click Here for a text version of the checklist which you can open and send directly to your printer. (Right click near the list then select Print). Once you have printed it, place it somewhere you will see each day and tackle the items throughout the month. There is no need to reformat, it will print one easy-to-read list.

Part 2 will follow next week and focuses more on interior home maintenance tasks to tackle in January. There is plenty to do this month – remember, you will be giving your home some good care and you will be rewarded by saving hundreds of dollars in repairs!